Epic Rap Battles of Creepypasta Wiki

Chat Rules[]

Don't spam

Don't flood No flaming unless in Private Message

Don't troll

Please try your best to be nice to other users. Treat them like you would like to be treated, please.

There will be NO racism.

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Epic Rap Battles of Creepypasta General Rules[]

Make good edits, not bad ones.

Good edit: Improving a page's layout.

Bad edit: One that doesn't even help at all; adding another exclamation mark to an already added exclamation mark. This also goes for:

The Manual of Style. The manual of making a page. If you wish to create a page, please make this wiki better by reading it, and using it.

Other Rules[]

English only, please. No Arabic, or Russian, just English. If you speak another language, than we recommend you translate it through Bing Translator or the Google Translator. Thank you.
